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Placenta Encapsulation Contract
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Placenta encapsulation is the process of preparing the mother’s placenta after the birth of her baby(ies) (by separating the membranes and umbilical cord from the placenta and rinsing and draining maternal and fetal blood) and dehydrating it to then be ground and placed into capsules for the mother to ingest as she sees fit. The ingestion of the placenta is known as “placentophagy.”
The purpose of placentophagy by the mother is to reintroduce the beneficial vitamins, minerals, hormones, proteins, and other nutrients to her body following labor and birth to help restore a more balanced body function, prevent “baby blues” and the more serious postpartum depression, increase breast-milk production, shorten healing time, increase maternal energy levels, and provide an over-all feeling of wellness to aid in the transition between pregnancy and the early postpartum period in the woman who has just given birth.
Limitations and Disclaimer
Oh Baby Mine is not a pharmacy, pharmaceutical representative, holistic practitioner, herbalist, or
medical doc
tor. Benefits of placentophagy are supported by ongoing research but have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Placentophagy, (as it pertains to this contract agreement, is for natural nutritional supplementation and is intended solely for ingestion by the mother who has birthed the placenta(s) and not for her family members, friends, or other individuals), is a natural nutritional supplement and as such cannot be guaranteed to produce specific results.
Client Initials
Service Description
Oh Baby Mine (hereinafter referred to as OBM) will pick up the client’s placenta(s) if previously at birth location for another service depending on previous agreed upon arrangements made between OBM and said client, to be outlined in the “Client Responsibility” section below. Most of the time the partner or friend will deliver the placenta to OBM.
Proper cleanliness and preparation p
recautions for ingesting the placenta will be carried out by OBM to ensure the highest quality of placenta encapsulation possible for the age and storage methods of the placenta(s) before the encapsulation process.
OBM will finish the encapsulated placenta pills in a timely fashion. Arrangements will be made for the client to pick up the finished placenta pills from OBM on the day discussed and agreed upon by both parties. OBM will provide a detailed written explanation of the proper storing and handling of the finished placenta pills and suggestions for daily ingestion recommendations.
Client Responsibility
It is the client’s responsibility to notify OBM as soon after the birth as possible (preferably the same-day as the birth itself ) to set up a time for drop off when someone is able to accept it at Oh Baby Mine. Failure to do so may result in delayed placenta preparation and encapsulation and may cause decreased potency of nutrients, hormones, and other beneficial attributes of the placenta(s), and even spoilage of the placenta(s) which would render it unusable for encapsulation (maximum refrigeration time should be 2 days). It is also the client’s responsibility to discuss release of her placenta(s) after her birth from the establishment where she delivers and to ensure proper storage of her placenta(s) in a refrigerator or cooler with the placenta(s) placed on ice until it can be picked up or delivered to OBM for preparation and encapsulation.
IF FOR SOME REASON YOU NEED PICK UP YOU CAN HIRE OBM TO PICK UP FOR ADDITIONAL $25 FEE. The fee only covers the 3 Rockford area hospitals. Someone from OBM will pick up, no other services will be performed during pick up. If you need lactation assistance arrangements must be made in advance.
Client Initials
I Need Pick Up of Placenta ($25 fee)
I do need pick up & expect to be charged an additional fee.
Fee covers Rockford area hospitals only. An additional change for out of area hospital/birth center. No other services will be provide at pick up unless previous arrangements have been made & purchased.
It is also the client’s responsibility to inform OBM of any known blood-borne illness(es) or other health issues that I, Lisa Kehoe, may become infected with through contact of bodily fluids (specifically maternal and fetal blood and amniotic fluid), such as HIV, hepatitis, STD’s, etc.
Client Initials
OBM Encapsulation Service includes:
• The full placenta preparation and encapsulation process
• Proper storage container of the completed placenta pills
• Written instructions for proper storage and handling of the finished placenta pills
• Suggestions for ingestion amounts
• A time for the finished product to be picked up from OBM by the client at the date and location agreed upon by both parties.
LDK Oh Baby Mine initials
Client Initials
The above outlined OBM Encapsulation Service is provided for a total fee of $275, adding the tincture to the package is $35 more. A deposit of $125 ($155 with tincture) is due at time of signing.. The last payment can be made no later than the time of product pick-up (for capsules). Tincture only is $150, the whole payment is due upfront & product is delivered 6 weeks after it is processed (to strengthen & steep). Less than 30 days notice add $25.
Client Initials
"Yes, I want the Tincture" ,Type "TINCTURE" here
Late Fee (less than 30 days before EDD)
I understand it's less than 30 days before my EDD
We need to to prepare for this service. If ample time is not provided you will be charged an additional $25 rush fee.
The policy of refund of payment is as follows:
• If the client chooses to terminate the contract, thereby voiding the agreement for placenta encapsulation by OBM, the client must contact OBM to terminate the contract BEFORE OBM acquires the placenta(s) originally intended for encapsulation in order to receive a refund of any moneys paid to OBM by the client minus a 4% cancelation fee.
• If the client chooses to terminate the contract after OBM has already acquired the client’s placenta(s) for the encapsulation process but contacts OBM BEFORE the encapsulation process has begun, a handling fee of $50 will be owed to OBM (if a greater amount than $50 has already been paid to OBM by the client, OBM will refund the difference.) OBM will then return the non-encapsulated placenta(s) to the client so that the client may dispose of the placenta(s) properly.
• If the client decides that she does not want the finished placenta pills AFTER OBM has begun the encapsulation process, or if it the process has been completed, the client will not be refunded any moneys already paid to OBM and will owe OBM the balance of the fee previously agreed upon if the balance is still owed (i.e. no refund or waiving of fees will be made).
In signing this Contract, you agree that you have read and understand the Service Descriptions and Agreement for Oh Baby Mine Placenta Encapsulation Service and that you agree to the terms and conditions outlined therein, as well as the stated fee.
By Checking This Box You Agree That All the Above Information is True
All of the Above is True
By submitting this form with my legal name I am providing my signature
I agree to receiving marketing and promotional materials
Submit Contract
Birth & Breastfeeding Services
About Lisa Kehoe IBCLC
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Placenta Encapsulation Contract
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